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Planning and Zoning

Managing Land Use in Franklin County

Contact Information

Planning Director

Scottie Eagan

Planner/GIS Map Technician

Curtis Ellison

GIS Map Technician 

Rochelle Bailey

Code Enforcement Officer

Jason Machelett

E911 Addressing Coordinator

Deron Eudy

Administrative Assistant

Crystal Holdmeier

400 E. Locust St.

Room 006

Union, MO  63084

(p) 636-583-6369

Email Us

On this page

The Franklin County Planning and Zoning Department's mission is to provide professional service to support the present and future citizenry of Franklin County.  Services are to be provided in a responsible, cooperative manner while working with others in achieving protection of our public, private, and natural resources.  We are responsible for regulating a variety of planning activities in unincorporated areas, including land divisions, lot-line adjustments, zoning districts, address assignments, road naming, and floodplain administration. Related to these activities, we handle the process of surveys and subdivision plats, rezoning requests, conditional use permits, zoning enforcement, requests for variance from zoning regulations, and flood plain development permit requests.

Revised Procedures

Applications: We will accept sketch plan applications and supporting documentation by email. After we have confirmed receipt of your application and provided a file number, you may call to pay with a credit card (fees for credit cards are $1.55 for any transaction $60 and under, and 2.50% for all transactions over $60).  

Plats: We will accept draft plats and supporting documentation for review by email as well.  Once they have been approved, the final (signed) plats can be submitted to our office in person, or by mail. 

Paying for Electronic Submittal by Credit Card:  If we do not receive payment within five business days of assigning the file number, the application will be rejected and sent back to the applicant.

Requesting GIS Data:  Contact the Planning and Zoning Department with the details of your request.  We will forward the request to the County Commission.  If approved, a cooperative agreement will be sent that will need to be signed.  Once the agreement is signed and returned, a Commission Order will be executed allowing us to send the data.  Once the Commission Order is approved, payment will need to be paid to the Planning and Zoning Department and then the data will be sent. Please see the Digital GIS Data Price List for the cost of data requests.

Planning and Zoning Commission

The Franklin County Planning and Zoning Commission reviews Conditional Use Permit Requests, Preliminary Plats, Planned Unit Developments, and Rezoning Requests. It is comprised of eleven Commissioners – one from each of the ten voter townships, plus the County Highway Administrator. Planning and Zoning Commissioners are appointed by the County Commission and serve a term of four years.


Officers are elected annually, usually at the regularly scheduled meeting in September. More information about the Planning & Zoning Commission can be found in Articles 3 & 4 of the Unified Land-Use Regulations or in the Franklin County Planning and Zoning Commission By-Laws.  


Regular meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month (provided there is business on the agenda) and are usually held in the Commission Chambers on the Second Floor of the Government Center at 400 E Locust Street, Union, Missouri. 



  • William Evans (Chairman) – Prairie Township

  • Dan Haire (Vice Chairman) – Boeuf Township

  • Mike Klenke – Boles Township

  • Debbie Willette – Boone Township

  • William McLaren – Calvey Township

  • Dennis Hartmann – Central Township

  • Stanley Voss – Lyon Township

  • Tim Reinhold – Meramec Township

  • Karl Mittler - St. John's Township

  • Dave Laramore – Union Township

  • Jim Grutsch – County Highway Administrator


If you have any questions about the Planning & Zoning Commission, please contact the Planning & Zoning Department for more information: (636) 583-6369. 

To access information on past meetings, click on this link.

Applications and Information

Please see the Fee Schedule for a list of application fees. If you have any questions, please let us know: (636) 583-6369.

Please note: The forms and information on this page are intended to be used as a guide and do not replace the information found in the Unified Land Use Regulations (or any other applicable county order). If there is any conflict between this information and the regulations (or order), the regulations (or order) will prevail.


Amendment Requests

The public may request that amendments be made to the Franklin County Unified Land Use Regulations. These requests are reviewed by the Planning & Zoning Commission for a recommendation and then reviewed by the County Commission for a decision.

  • General Application Form - This is the application required to begin the process. Please note the four pieces of information listed at the top of the form that are required upon submittal. If applying as a business rather than an individual, we will require documentation showing the signer’s authority to sign on behalf of the business.


Appeals (Board of Zoning Adjustment)

Decisions made by the Planning  & Zoning Commission, the Planning Director, and the Zoning Enforcement Officer can be appealed to the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BOZA).

  • Appeal Application Form - This is the application required to begin the process. Please note the three pieces of information listed at the top of the form that are required upon submittal. If applying as a business rather than an individual, we will require documentation showing the signer’s authority to sign on behalf of the business.

  • Applicant Information Form - This addendum must be completed and submitted with the Appeal Application Form.


Conditional Use Permits (CUP)

Land uses listed under Article 7 as "Conditional" require a Conditional Use Permit (CUP), which is reviewed by the Planning & Zoning Commission.

  • Conditional Use Permit Process - A brief article explaining the CUP application and review process.

  • General Application Form - This is the application required to begin the process. Please note the four pieces of information listed at the top of the form that are required upon submittal. If applying as a business rather than an individual, we will require documentation showing the signer’s authority to sign on behalf of the business.

  • Applicant Information Form - This addendum must be completed and submitted with the General Application Form.


Fireworks (Seasonal)

Temporary Seasonal Fireworks stands are permitted in certain districts in Franklin County (see Article 7). Please see Article 17 for a list of all items that are required to be submitted with the application form. Because the application fee is based on the date that a COMPLETE application is submitted to our office (missing none of the required items), we recommend submitting the application at the beginning of May to allow ample time for processing and review. 

  • Fireworks Application Form - This is the application required to begin the process. If applying as a business rather than an individual, we will require documentation showing the signer’s authority to sign on behalf of the business. 

  • Fireworks Application Instructions - Instructions on how to apply for a permit to sell Fireworks.

  • Applicant Information Form - This addendum must be completed and submitted with the Fireworks Application Form.

  • Driveway Access Statement - This form is required if using an existing already-approved commercial entrance.



Development in the floodplain may require review by the Franklin County Floodplain Administrator and the outside contracted engineer.  Review times on Floodplain applications may take longer review times.


Medical Hardship Agreements

Information regarding qualifications for a Medical Hardship Agreement can be found in Article 10, Section 231.

  • Temporary Medical Hardship Application - This is the application required to begin the process. Please note the five pieces of information listed at the top of the form that are required upon submittal. If applying as a business rather than an individual, we will require documentation showing the signer’s authority to sign on behalf of the business. 

  • Applicant Information Form - This addendum must be completed and submitted with the Temporary Medical Hardship Application.


Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana cultivation, manufacturing, dispensaries, and testing facilities are permitted in certain districts in Franklin County (see Article 7)

A Zoning Permit/Verification is for anyone wishing to receive verification of the zoning district of a specific property, as well as anyone wishing to receive verification that a specific use is permitted.
Zoning Verification (Medical Marijuana) - T
his is the application required to begin the process. Please note the two pieces of information listed at the top of the form that are required upon submittal. 


Rezoning Requests
  • Rezoning Request Process - A brief article explaining the Rezoning Request application and review process.

  • General Application Form - This is the application required to begin the process. Please note the four pieces of information listed at the top of the form that are required upon submittal. If applying as a business rather than an individual, we will require documentation showing the signer’s authority to sign on behalf of the business.

  • Justification for Rezoning - This form must be completed and submitted with the General Application Form. 


Second Dwelling Agreement

Information regarding qualifications for a Second Dwelling Agreement can be found in Article 10, Section 231.

  • Second Dwelling Agreement Application - This is the application required to begin the process. Please note the four pieces of information listed at the top of the form that are required upon submittal. If applying as a business rather than an individual, we will require documentation showing the signer’s authority to sign on behalf of the business. 

  • Applicant Information Form - This addendum must be completed and submitted with the Second Dwelling Agreement Application.


Special Occasion Permits (SOP)

Special Occasions are permitted in certain districts in Franklin County (see Article 7) and require a Special Occasion Permit (SOP), which is reviewed by the Planning Director.

  • Special Occasion Permit Application Form - This is the application required to begin the process for all special occasions. In addition to submitting the General Warranty Deed for any property involved, please see Article 10, Section 237 (D) for a list of information that should be submitted. If applying as a business rather than an individual, we will require documentation showing the signer’s authority to sign on behalf of the business.

  • Applicant Information Form - This addendum must be completed and submitted with the Special Occasion Permit Application Form.


Subdivisions and Land Divisions and Adjustments


Subdivision Vacations

Subdivision plats may only be vacated with the approval of the County Commission. Information regarding qualifications and the vacation process can be found in Article 8.

  • Plat Vacation Form - This is the application required to begin the process. Please note the four pieces of information listed at the top of the form that are required upon submittal. If applying as a business rather than an individual, we will require documentation showing the signer’s authority to sign on behalf of the business. 

  • Applicant Information Form - This addendum must be completed and submitted with the Plat Vacation Form.


Temporary Mobile Storage 

Allowed in all districts, for a period not to exceed one (1) year, in conjunction with a valid building permit.

  • Temporary Mobile Storage Application Form - This is the application required to begin the process.  Please note the four pieces of information listed at the top of the form that are required upon submittal. If applying as a business rather than an individual, we will require documentation showing the signer’s authority to sign on behalf of the business. For more information see Article 10, Section 231.

  • Applicant Information Form - This addendum must be completed and submitted with the Temporary Mobile Storage Application.


Variances (Board of Zoning Adjustment)

Requests for variances from requirements in the Franklin County Unified Land Use Regulations are reviewed by the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BOZA).

  • Variance Application Form - This is the application required to begin the process. Please note the four pieces of information listed at the top of the form that are required upon submittal. If applying as a business rather than an individual, we will require documentation showing the signer’s authority to sign on behalf of the business.

  • Applicant Information Form - This addendum must be completed and submitted with the Variance Application Form.



Wireless Support Structures

(Please note: New towers and Tower Zoning Permits are prohibited from being submitted electronically due to sets of plans being required.)

  • General Application Form - This is the application required to begin the process for all tower permits. Please see Article 19 for a list of information that should be submitted with each type of permit, in addition to the items listed on the form. Except in the case of a Zoning Permit, we will require documentation showing the signer’s authority to sign on behalf of the business.

  • Applicant Information Form - This addendum must be completed and submitted with the General Application Form, except when applying for a Zoning Permit.

  • Tower Application Supplement - This form must be completed and submitted with the General Application Form, only when applying for a Zoning Permit.



Witness Reports

Anyone who witnesses a violation of the Unified Land Use Regulations and wishes to report such activity can do so by completing a Witness Report Form.

Zoning Permits/Verifications

A Zoning Permit/Verification is for anyone wishing to receive verification of the zoning district of a specific property, as well as anyone wishing to receive verification that a specific use is permitted.
If the verification is for a Medical Marijuana facility, please see Medical Marijuana (above). 

  • General Application Form - This is the application required to begin the process. Please note the four pieces of information listed at the top of the form that are required upon submittal. 

Geographic Information System (GIS)

GIS integrates hardware, software, and data and is used to capture, store, analyze and display information or data identified by location.  Data and Maps are stored as layers of information which makes it possible to perform complex analyses. Franklin County uses this software to maintain property information.  GIS can relate unrelated information by using location and is a major tool used in dispatching and emergency services.


You can now access our GIS Maps online.


To reach one of our GIS Map Technicians, Curtis Ellison or Rochelle Bailey, please call the Planning & Zoning Department at (636) 583-6369.

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