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Candidate Information

This section was prepared as a courtesy to prospective candidates and to the public. Candidates are responsible for researching the full requirements and responsibilities of the particular office they seek.

Candidate Information

You will find there are many rules and regulations in running a campaign for public office.  Missouri Law requires candidates to file certain forms at certain times, so we have prepared this information sheet to assist you in combing through the enclosed forms and pamphlets.  The following is a brief description of the articles enclosed in this folder and the time frame in which they are to be filed.


Guide to Ethics Laws 2022 – A Plain English Summary (by Missouri Ethics Commission)

This book pertains to exactly what the title indicates, “Summary”, and would be beneficial to you as it points out pertinent information needed in a campaign.


Financial Disclosure Statement for Political Subdivisions

This form is probably the most important form you are required to complete at this time.  It pertains to any personal financial dealings you have had with the county, other than paying your taxes.  You can find out more about this form in the Guide to Ethics Laws 2022.  You are only required to fill out the front page of this report and file your statement with the Missouri Ethics Commission AND the Elections Division of the County Clerks office.  If you do not file this form by the April 12, 2022 deadline, Ethics can fine you $10.00 per day until it is received.  If you do not have it filed by the April 19, 2022 deadline, you can be disqualified and your name can be REMOVED from the ballot.


The previous form deals only with personal financial disclosure, not to be confused with campaign finance disclosure, which we will discuss now.


Campaign Finance Committee Registration Packet

This packet has a Statement of Committee Organization along with an Electronic Filing Agreement.  As a candidate you are obligated to follow certain campaign regulations, one of which is the amount of money spent or received on behalf of your campaign.  If you receive a contribution which exceeds $325.00, from a single contributor, you are required to form a committee. In most cases this is a “Candidate Committee”.  This form must be filed with the Missouri Ethics Commission and the Elections Division of the County Clerks Office and should be filed as soon as possible - but no later than 30 days before the election.  Along with the original committee organization report that you send to the Missouri Ethics Commission, you must also send the completed Electronic Filing Agreement so that you may submit all future reports electronically with the Ethics Commission. If you do not reach these thresholds, then you must register as an EXEMPT CANDIDATE.


2022 Campaign Reporting Disclosure Dates

This calendar will assist you to comply with the deadlines for filing the proper forms.  Refer to the election date to find the date that forms are to be filed.  All forms may be found at the Missouri Ethics Commission website –, under Campaign Finance, and then Forms. 


Following is a list and brief description of the forms most commonly used – all of which may be printed from the Missouri Ethics Commission website.

Committee Disclosure Report Packet:

During any reporting period, if the aggregate amount of contributions received or the aggregate amount of expenditures made by the committee exceeds $500.00, or no single contributor contributed more than $325.00 during the reporting period, the committee must complete the Committee Disclosure Report Packet.  Some forms in this packet may not need to be completed, depending on the activity in the committee during the reporting period.

Statement of Limited Activity:

If neither the aggregate amount of contributions received nor the aggregate amount of expenditures made by the committee exceeded $500.00, then the committee may file the Committee Statement of Limited Activity in Lieu of Disclosure Report.  All expenditures and contributions made during this period must be reported on the next full report.

24 Hour Notice of Late Contribution/Loans Received:

This form is for reporting contributions in excess of $250.00 that are received within 11 days of the election pursuant to Section 130.050.3 RSMo. These contributions must be included in subsequent committee disclosure reports.

Termination Statement:

When the committee’s final report has a balance of “$0.00”, then the committee may terminate by filing this statement.


As previously stated, this is just a list of the most commonly used forms.  There are several other forms that you may need that are listed on the Ethics website (, along with other helpful information we feel will be very beneficial to you.  Therefore, please take time to check their website for more information on campaign rules and regulations, as well as the section titled “FAQ’s”.


We have scheduled a Campaign Financial Disclosure Seminar for Wednesday, April 25, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. to be held in the training room located on the second floor of the Franklin County Government Center.  We will cover completion of forms, as well as electronic filing.  We invite all candidates and/or the Treasurer of their Committee to attend this seminar.  If you are planning on attending this seminar, please visit the Missouri Ethics website at to get signed up.  Or, you can register for one of their on-line “Webinars” (an information sheet on this is included with this packet).


If you have any questions or need help filling out your reports, please call the Missouri Ethics Commission at (800) 392-8660 or the Elections Division of my office at (636) 583-6364.  You may also contact us via e-mail at

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